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Highlights, Timeline & Questions From “Nasty Piece of Work”
- March of 1992: Lord intends to hit the road performing music from The Concerto, Gemini Suite, etc. (Page 13)
- August of 1992: JLT is fired by Bruce Payne. (page 16)
- October of 1992 (six weeks after JLT is fired): In an interview with Mike Eriksson, Turner is very critical of Deep Purple, particularly Jon Lord. (page 17)
- November of 1992: Gillan writes a letter to fans about Deep Purple but doesn’t refer to it as a reunion but rather a “celebration.” (page 20)
- April 1993: North American tour is announced from July 27th through August 29th (page 23-24)
- Gillan suggests after the tour that Blackmore would reform Rainbow but Blackmore denies it and rather suggests that he would work on another band project, coming back to DeepPurple every couple of years.
- June 1993: Blackmore blows off the “silver clef Awards ceremony (page 28)
- July 1993: In July it’s announced that the US tour is canceled/postponed – no explanation is given as to why. (page 29).
- July 1992: Ian Gillan’s interview where he addresses his famous quote: “I would rather slit by throat than ever sing with these guys again.”
- Jon Lord open letter saying he’s excited about the direction the album was taking with Ian. What was the deal between JL and JLT? (page 34)
- Rehearsals and travel
- Nine Weeks of shows —-
- The Band agreed to have rehearsals recorded and every show was bootlegged as well as being recorded off the soundboard. (page 39)
- The feeling was that this was the end of the band.
- Friday, September 24, 1993 – Rome – 1st show
- Anyone’s Daughter being performed live, with Ian Paice sitting on a stool (and later the drum riser) with a tambourine and Ian Gillan referring to him as “Elton John.” (page 40).
- Early shows a little shaky with some shorter solos and Gillan forgetting words (page 45)
- When they reach Germany Ritchie seems quite happy to be back and with his new girlfriend Candice (page 50).
- About a third of the tour/shows are played in Germany. (page 51)
- By Mid October of 1993 Jerry Bloom joins the band for as many shows as possible (page 70)
- At your first show it was evident Gillan and Blackmore, Gillan singing over Blackmore Blackmore had his roadie, Rob fodder to tape a lyrics sheet to Gillan’s mic stand because he was tired of Gillan forgetting the lyrics. (page 71)
- Ritchie had a tape of the “One Man’s Meat” demo “”Stroke of Midnight” with JLT singing and contemplated having it played before the show. (page 73)
- Bloom asks Glover about Ritchie’s little Goatee: “It’s his alter ego. He thinks he was born in 1549.” Bloom says Ritchie did not leave his dressing room but he could hear Abba blasting from his room. (page 72)
- 16 October 1993: Stuttgart, Bloom says it’s the best show he’s ever seen by Deep Purple (page 80)
- France, October 18: Ritchie throws in Jesus Christ Superstar but Gillan does not sing it. Was this a peace offering by Ritchie? (Page 86)
- Ritchie throwing in snippets of Rainbow and MK3 songs like “All Night Long” and “Burn” as well as “Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll.” Gillan singing “cliched French Dialogue”(Page 87)
- October 22nd: Ritchie tells Colin Hart he’s not doing the two shows in Spain and that they were added without his approval – they’d been there from the beginning. (page 94)
- 30 October: Show in Prague, Candice does backing vocals on Beethoven’s Ninth. Unclear if the rest of the band consented. After the show he let Rob Fodder know he was leaving the band. Later he gives Colin Hart a letter to read to the rest of the band. He claimed he’d paly through Helsinki but did not know that the Japan gigs were booked. (page 99)
- Ritchie makes it very clear that Gillan is the reason he’s leaving citing his “clownish” attire and stage moves.
- Ritchie was expecting the band to be upset the following morning but it was business as usual. (page 103)
- 3 November: Ritchie hears that Mr. Udo, the Japanese tour manager is expecting Ritchie to play Japan so Ritchie destroys his Japanese work visa.(page 106)
- Ritchie seems to go through a lot of trouble trying to get a reaction out of the management and the rest of the band.
- 8 Nov, Ritchie performs an amazing show with the band in London at Brixton Academy. Tony Ahston and Mel Galley were in attendance. (page 109)
- 9 Nov: NEC Birmingham. Final UK gig. They were advised to cancel due to Ritchie’s ankle injury. (page 111)
- The whole drama with the camera man, Ritchie’s second most famous camera man altercation. Roger’s anger. Lots of stories. Who ultimately got the brunt of the water soaking? Between Highway Star and Black Night Ritchie soaks the cameraman with beer behind the amps.
- 13 November: Stockholm, Sweden, Glenn Hughes is a backstage guest. He and Gillan toy with the idea of doing an album together. They hang out after the show. Blackmore was told Glenn was there and responds, “Glenn who?” (page 116)
- 14 November: It’s publicly announced Blackmore is leaving the band on the BBC (page 117)
- 15 November: Glenn Hughes is backstage again in Oslo, Norway, and a promoter had booked him a small show at a 300 capacity show. Glover and Paice go to see his show. (page 118)
- 17 November: Helsinki, Finland. Ritchie makes demand that Bruce Payne be at his hotel door before the show or he won’t go on. He doesn’t know that Colin Hart had already discussed with Payne and he would be there. Ritchie was again upset that chaos had not erupted. (page 119)
Thanks to Our Core Level Patrons:
- The $7.77 KeepItWarmRat Tier
- Michael Vader
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- Fielding Fowler
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- Steve Coldwell
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Thanks To Our Foundation Level Patrons:
- The $3.33 Half Way to Evil Tier
- Raff Kaff
- Spike the Rock Cat
- Spike’s Mom
- $3 “Nobody’s Perfect” Tier
- Peter Gardow
- Ian Desrosiers
- Mark Roback
- Duncan Leask
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- The “Come Hell or Can’t Hold Water” Leaky Mausoleum
- Stephen Sommerville The Concerto 1999 Fanatic
- Hank the Tank
- Private Eyes
- Ashen Lionel
- Blackmore’s Tights
- John Miceli
For Further Information:
- Deep Purple – Nasty Piece of Work by Jerry Bloom
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_Hell_or_High_Water
- https://www.discogs.com/release/1034806-Deep-Purple-Come-Hell-Or-High-Water
- https://www.discogs.com/release/4775022-Deep-Purple-Come-Hell-Or-High-Water
- https://www.discogs.com/release/1861155-Deep-Purple-Live-In-Europe-1993
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/specials/CHoHW/
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/specials/CHoHW/story.html
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/specials/CHoHW/dougm.html
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/specials/CHoHW/palamara.html
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/specials/CHoHW/franzman.html
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