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- $10 Super Champion Tier
- Steve Seaborg (NameOnAnything.com, Alltheworldsastage.net)
- Ryan M
- $5 Tier
- Clay Wombacher
- Greg Sealby
- Frank Theilgaard-Mortensen
- Mike Knowles
- $3 Tier
- Peter Gardow
- Ian Desrosiers
- Mark Roback
- Anton Glaving
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- Ells Murders
- Spacey Noodles
- Leaky Mausoleum
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Patron News:
- Anton Glaving writes in with some amazing additions for our next “Smoke on the Water” covers show!
Thanks to our Brothers at the Deep Dive Podcast Network:
- Ry @ Sabbath Bloody Podcast
- The Simple Man @ Skynyrd Reconsydyrd
- Terry “T-Bone” Mathley @ T-Bone’s Prime Cuts
Thanks to the Patron Saint and Archivist of The Deep Purple Podcast:
- Jörg Planer – an essential Twitter follow
A Word from Our Sponsor:
- Joe Lynn Turner & Winn-Dixie
Lead up to the Album:
- Allen Pamplin

- Deep Purple Bios

- Other bands playing

- California Jam 1974 / Eight Rock Bands / 200,000 Music Lovers! – First two minutes intro
- California Jam One April 6 1974 Film Footage – Great footage of some of the artists
- California Jam TV intro 1974 Deep Purple Black Sabbath ELP Rare Earth – ad for the show aired on ABC to promote
- Deep Purple – Lets celebrate the California Jam from April 1974 – short documentary that reviews how the show ran with some clips of the acts
- The California Jam Concert Overview And Interview Special from April 1974 – expanded documentary
- deep purple airport arrival – california jam – quick one minute video of band arrival
Additional Audio/Video from Show:
- Burn – 8:00 version
- Lay Down, Stay Down from California Jamming CD – 14:20 on DVD rip video
- Extended plays and camera angles
- Ritchie Blackmore discussing the California Jam in 1974 (Part 1)
- Ritchie Blackmore celebrating The California Jam (Part 2)

- Glenn Hughes talks about California Jam
- 1:45 – starts talking about California Jam show

- Jon Lord & Glenn Hughes Interview / 1974 California Jam
- 0:50 – Jon Lord talks about crowd size and controversy
- 3:25 – Glenn discusses California Jam
- 4:50 – Jon Lord talking about blowing up amps
- Deep Purple-Jon Lord Speech and Guitar Solo (Live 1974) – DO NOT INCLUDE
Mike Stark on Rock 50 with Don Branker
- 1:34 minute mark starts to describe the show
Reception and Review
- Allen Pamplin

- Letter from Don Hearston to Sandy Feldman (TV executive who promoted the show and sadly passed away in 1996) – https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-02-07-mn-33346-story.html

- Letter from City of Ontario Fire Department to Sandy Feldman
- Deep Purple – Lets celebrate the California Jam from April 1974 – short documentary that reviews how the show ran with some clips of the acts
- 5:30 – “Mad John” and Simon interviewed about DP’s exploding amps
- 19740402 – BIllboard discusses money Deep Purple are making

- 19740404 Santa Ana Register gets it all wrong!
- 19740406 – ‘Salbuquerque Tribune – ‘California Jam’ rock fans jam up traffic for 13 miles
- 19740408 Connellsville Daily Courier – “Police Surprised at Quiet Nature of Rock Concer”
- 19740408 Huntingdon Daily News – “caused no trouble and few arrests.”
- TV: ‘California Jam’ Simulates Live Rock Session – NY Times, scanned, some of text garbled
This Week in Purple History . . .

- April 14, 1945 – Ritchie Blackmore is born

- April 15, 1977 – Ian Gillan Band releases Clear Air Turbulence

- April 14, 1978 – Ritchie Blackmore Rainbow releases Long Live Rock
For Further Information:
- Album
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elements_(Roger_Glover_album)
- https://www.rogerglover.com/discography/elements/
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/rosas/connoiss/cd183.htm
- California Jam Fan Club
- rocknpics deep purple – pics from concert
- Darker than Blue – Concert listings for 1974
- https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/photo-of-deep-purple-california-jam-concert-showing-sunset-news-photo/84884733
- https://www.americanradiohistory.com/Archive-Billboard/70s/1974/Billboard%201974-04-20.pdf
- http://www.insidesocal.com/davidallen/2014/04/04/california-jam-1974/?fbclid=IwAR3FKqeSg2sIFzNA47NepKUcnl9meLGCuOoQb3TKNeviHO1AoVKf1dG2pZ4
- https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=dave%20hilmer&epa=SEARCH_BOX
Listener Mail/Comments
- Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at info@deeppurplepodcast.com or @ us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.