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Lead up to the Album:
- In Gillan’s book “Child in Time” Gillan describes Colin: “We were a goodish band with sufficient image and appeal that people (men and women) were even turning up at gigs looking like John, with hair shaved and stick-on beards. We had climbed from the bottom to the top and stayed with our label for over ten releases, most of which were successful.Colin was transformed from teh teraful day at Kingsway when we said goodbye to fusion rock and, on stage, the flashing bow-tie was a great sight to his sound,. Janick became and instant favourite with the fans, although the going of Bernie cropped up from time to time and seemed to still rankle a bit. Mick and I had known each other for so long. IT was mic that we should be having such a good time, most of the time.
- Gillan goes on to talk about troubles brewing when rumors came out that Ian was in talks to reform Deep Purple. The botched 1982 attempt to reform did not end up happening.
- Colin Towns came in number two that year just below Jon Lord as best keyboard player and they came in one above Rainbow at #6 as top band in Sounds magazine.
Core Band:
- Bass – John McCoy
- Drums – Mick Underwood
- Guitar – Janick Gers
- Keyboards – Colin Towns
- Vocals – Ian Gillan
Additional Personnel:
- Management – Phil Banfield
- Producer, Engineer – Mick Glossop
- http://www.mickglossop.com/
- Over 700 credits on Discogs including Frank Zappa (Joe’s Garage), VAn Morrison, and many more.
- In Kerrang! Issue 22 in August of 1982 it was stated that Gillan wanted to give up on outside producers after Double Trouble but Virgin Records persuaded him to use Glossop.
- Engineer [Assistant] – Bob Broglia
- Credited on Wizard’s Convention, Ian Gillan Band (Scarabus and Clear Air Turbulence), White Spirit (Jannick Gers connection).
- Executive-Producer – Kingsway Recorders Ltd.

Album Art & Booklet Review
- Graphics – K. Ansell*
- Art Director at The Design Clinic
- Did covers for XTC, The Human League, UB40
- Illustration – D. Dragon*
- David Dragon
- http://www.thedragonboys.com/
- Did album covers for Jimmy Cliff, Glen Campbell, Linda Rondstadt, XTC, UB40.

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Album Tracks:

Side One:
- What’s the Matter (Gillan, McCoy, Gers)
- Bluesy Blue Sea (Gillan, Gers)
- Caught in a Trap (Gillan, Towns)
- Long Gone (Gillan, Towns)
- Driving Me Wild (Gillan, Towns)

Side Two:
- Demon Driver (Gillan, Towns)
- Living a Lie (Gillan, Towns)
- You’re So Right (Gillan, McCoy)
- Living for the City (Wonder)
- Released as a single before the album in reaching #55 in September, the month the album was released.
- Demon Drive (reprise) (Gillan, Towns)

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Bustin’ Out The Spreadsheet
Reception and Charts:
- They were playing a lot of shows through the autumn. One show saw them in Bangkok where Gillan got the inspiration for the song Mitzee Dupree.
- Gossip began to run around about the disbanding of Gillan. Ian says that “harsh words were exchanged.” Gillan had been advised by doctors to rest his voice.
- From Stargazer issue 26 November 1982
- As we go to press Ian has just confirmed that the current UK tour will be his last for some time. He has had a throat problem diagnosed which needs a complete rest otherwise his voice could be permanently affected. In fact he was advised to cancel the UK tour but decided not to. The band will take a break for around a year after which he’ll see how things are.
- I had a brief chat with lan after the Gillan show in Sheffield, and he agreed to write out a little note to explain the current situation himself (reproduced here).
- Gillan’s Note:
- Hello All,
- Got a bit of a sore throat – it’ll take around 6-9 months to repair – so see you all late in ‘83. In the meantime I’ll be thinking of y’all. Think positive and send me some good vibes – I need it.
- Love – peace + thanks
- Ian Gillan
- Gillan states that talks to reform Deep Purple broke down because Jon Lord was loyal to David Coverdale. Ian Paice was in between gigs. But Roger and Ritchie were tied up with Rainbow.
- Previous stories tell the story of Gillan showing up very drunk to talks and Roger and Ritchie saying they didn’t want to deal with it.
- The reunion would, of course, happen, but not before a brief stint with Black Sabbath.
- From Stargazer issue 26 November 1982
- “I’ve got the new Gillan album and it’s all left me pretty fed up. The first song – ‘What’s The Matter’ works well as a set opener. ‘Bluesy Blue Sea’ has grown on me so that it’s OK rather than rubbish but it’ll be a pain live. ‘Caught In A Trap’ has a great start from lan and Colin. lan’s lyrics are head and shoulders above anyone else’s in this field. Colin’s solo too is exciting and different. ‘Driving Me Wild’ starts like a Foreigner song and seems pretty uninspired for a Gillan/Towns composition, until they reach the “what can you do” bit where things get a bit meatier with another good keyboard solo. The lyrics to ‘Demon Driver’ put me off before I’d even heard it. A good heavy beginning leads into some typical Gillan style music – the ending I can’t stand. ‘Living A Lie’ confuses me, sort of an up tempo ‘When A Blind Man Cries’ but I really miss lan’s soft vocals – which would have suited this. Overall maybe I expected too much with all those credits for Gillan/Towns tracks.” Mike Bumett.
Merch, Etc.
- 1982 Tour Programme
- Picture discs
For Further Information:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_(Gillan_album)
- https://www.discogs.com/release/537667-Gillan-Magic
- Child in Time by Ian Gillan
- http://www.deep-purple.net/DPASmags/stargazer26.htm
- https://rockronologia.blogspot.com/2019/07/1982-magic-gillan.html
- Help from the arvhives of Jeff Breis.
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