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Brendan Ashbrook – Logo Designer
Thanks to Our Executive Level Patrons:
- The “In Memorium” Tier
- Gerald “Jerry” Kelly & Family
- The $25 “Uncommon Man” Tier
- Ovais Naqvi
- The £15 “”Fifteen Squid” Tier
- Alan “Ain’t Too Proud To” Begg
- The £10 “Good Doctor” Tier
- Dr. Mike Kattan
- The Turn it up to $11 Tier
- Clay Wombacher
- Frank Theilgaard-Mortensen
- Mikkel Steen
- Will Porter, PhDPP
- Michael Bagford
- $10 “Some One Came” Tier
- Ryan M
- Jeff Breis
- Victor Campos
- “Better Call” Saul Evans
- Peter from Illinois
- The “Hughes-O-Ween by 2033” Tier
- Fielding Fowler
Upcoming Shows & Listener Meet Ups:
- Deep Purple Upcoming Tour Dates
- https://deeppurple.com/pages/tours
- Potential UK Patron Meet Up
Upcoming Rankings Show:
- Deep Purple In Rock
- Patron rankings needed by October 27th
- Become a patron if you want to be invited to the live stream and submit your rankings!
Deep Dive Podcast Network:
Check out our website to find other like-minded shows taking deep dives into individual songs, bands, and albums.
Thanks to Our Core Level Patrons:
- The $8.99 “What’s Goin’ On Here” Tier
- Richard Fusey
- The $7.77 KeepItWarmRat Tier
- Michael Vader
- The $6.99 “New Nice Price” Tier
- Spike the Rock Cat
- Sugar T
- The Episode $6.66 Tier
- Steve Coldwell
- Arthur Smith
- Anton Glaving
- Charles Meadows
- The $6.65 “Almost Evil” Tier
- Kenny Wymore
- Richie Sucksmith
- $5.99 The “Nice Price” Tier
- Robert Smith
- Karl Hellberg
- The 60 Kroner “Scandinavian Nights” Tier
- Knut Morten Johansen –
- $5 “Money Lender” Tier
- John Convery
- German Heindl
- Adrian Hernandez
- Jesper Almén
- Oleksiy The Perfect Stranger Slyepukhov
- Kev Roberts
- Percival Frequency
- Scott Zerns
- Cynthia Dube
- Raff Kaff
- Coyote Bongwater
- John Miceli
- Sarah Sanders
- Jellybean
- Evan Robison
- Concerto for Group and Orchestra Mov. 1 (Lord)
- Concerto for Group and Orchestra Mov. 2 (Gillan, Lord)
- Concerto for Group and Orchestra Mov. 3 (Lord)
- Ted the Mechanic (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice)
- Watching the Sky (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice)
- Swapped with Sometimes on programme
- Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice)
- Pictures of Home (Gillan, Blackmore, Glover, Lord, Paice)
- Smoke on the Water (Gillan, Blackmore, Glover, Lord, Paice)
Thanks To Our Foundation Level Patrons:
- £3.50 “Deep Purple NY” Tier
- Lord Longford
- The £3 “The Aromatic Feed” Tier
- Simon Ford
- Richard Breese
- The $3.33 Half Way to Evil Tier
- Stephen Sharpe
- Duncan Leask
- $3 “Nobody’s Perfect” Tier
- Peter Gardow
- Ian Desrosiers
- Mark Roback
- Stuart McCord
- Flight of the Rat Bat Blue Light
- Øyvind Fjeldbu –
- Runar Simonsen –
- Ruinous Inadequacies
- Corey Morrissette
- Ashely { Still I hear, “Burn” } Rose
- Weston-super-Mare pilgrim
- Joe “Dopefish” Siegler
- The $1.71 “I Want My Own Tier” Tier
- Rich “Yngwie” Shailor
- The 10 kr “” Tier
- Carsten Lau
- $1 Made Up Name Tier
- The “Concerto For Goop and Orchestra” Leaky Mausoleum
- Stephen Sommerville The Concerto 1999 Fanatic
- Hank the Tank
- Private Eyes
- Ashen Lionel
- Blackmore’s Tights
- Steve “Down to Earth” Koeller
- Zwopper The Electric Alchemist
- Anders Engstrom
- I see DC
- Durple Purple
- Purple Swede
- David Hattam
- Graham Bonnet’s Disco Pants and Haircuts
- Eddie Lion
For Further Information:
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/specials/pmann/
- https://www.discogs.com/release/3422911-Deep-PurpleLondon-Symphony-Orchestra-Paul-Mann-In-Concert-With-The-London-Symphony-Orchestra
- https://www.deep-purple.it/deep-purple-londra-royal-albert-hall-25-26-settembre-1999-di-carlo-alberto-migliazza/
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/specials/RAH99/marco.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_de_Goeij
- http://www.deep-purple.net/review-files/jonlord-2003/sydney21.htm
- http://www.deep-purple.net/review-files/jonlord-2003/sydney21b.htm
- https://www.thehighwaystar.com/specials/RAH99/video.html
- http://www.dio.net/biography/discography/Purple_CD.html
- http://www.deep-purple.net/discography/concerto-1999/concerto-1999.html
Listener Mail/Comments
- Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at info@deeppurplepodcast.com or @ us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.