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Lead up to the Album:
- Where Paul Mann organized the orchestral work and list of performers with the Paice and Lord families, it was Wix Wickens, musical director for Paul McCartney, who handled everything on the band portion of the evening.
Core Band:
- Conductor [Band Musical Director] – Wix Wickens*
- Conductor, Liner Notes – Paul Mann (5)
- Leader [Orchestra] – Darragh Morgan
- Mixed By – Bruce Dickinson, Ian Paice
- Music By – Jon Lord
- Orchestra – Orion Orchestra*
- Orchestrated By – Jon Lord (tracks: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8), Paul Mann (5) (tracks: 3, 6)
- Other [Compére] – Bob Harris
- Recorded By [Orchestra], Mixed By [Orchestra] – Andrew Dudman
- Recorded By, Mixed By – David “Skippi” Loudoun*
- Live at the Royal Albert Hall, April 4th, 2014
Thanks to Our Core Level Patrons:
- The $7.77 KeepItWarmRat Tier
- Michael Vader
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- Steve Coldwell
- Arthur Smith
- Anton Glaving
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- Oleksiy The Perfect Stranger Slyepukhov
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- Mark Hodgetts
- Will Porter
- Zwopper The Electric Alchemist
- Tim “Southern Cross” Johnson
- Percival Frequency

Album Tracks:
- Uncommon Man
- From Now What?!
- Paul Mann asked the band if he could orchestrate the first two songs from their most recent album for the show.
- Above and Beyond
- From Now What?!
- Ian Gillan did the eulogy at Jon Lord’s funeral and closed with “Souls, having touched, are forever entwined.” They ended up becoming lyrics in this song.
- Paul Mann orchestrated the closing guitar harmonics that Steve Morse played as violin with celesta, harp, and celestial percussion.
- He also used this effect on the line “Am I getting through?”
- Lazy
- Don Airey plays tribute to Jon Lord and trades off with the conductor and violinist Stephen BEntley-Klein
- When a Blind Man Cries
- In the liner notes Paul Mann mentions that Lord started adding the opening bars of “Adagio for Strings” by Samuel Barber into “When A Blind Man Cries”
- In the Concerto Tour in 2000-2001 the orchestra accompanied Steve with these cuqatations and the same is done here.
- Perfect Strangers
- Features orchestrations by Jon Lord.
- They were written in 2008 for Jon’s use in his solo concerts.
- Previously it had only been done in a shorter form because it was long and challenging.
- Jon’s orchestration is heard here for the first time and is made to resemble Hungarian folk music.
- Paul Mann describes it as “the kind of Hungarian Rhapsody Liszt would have written if he’d been a Deep Purple fan.”
- Black Night
- Hush
- With Wix Wickens, Nigel Hopkins, Rick Wakeman, Andy Wallace,m Murray Gould, Jerry Brown, Micky Moody, and Mario Argandona
- Steve and Don duel with Rick Wakeman in the instrumental portion of the song
- Wakeman quotes from “Roundabout” by Yes.
Thanks To Our Foundation Level Patrons:
- The $3.33 Half Way to Evil Tier
- Raff Kaff
- $3 “Nobody’s Perfect” Tier
- Peter Gardow
- Ian Desrosiers
- Mark Roback
- Duncan Leask
- Stuart McCord
- Flight of the Rat Bat Blue Light
- Øyvind Fjeldbu –
- Runar Simonsen –
- JJ Stannard
- $1 Made Up Name Tier
- The “Man Who Wore a T-Shirt Tux at His Funeral” Leaky Mausoleum
- Stephen Sommerville The Concerto 1999 Fanatic
- Spike, The Rock Cat
- Hank the Tank
- Private Eyes
- Ashen Lionel
- Spike’s Mom
- Blackmore’s Tights
- John Miceli
For Further Information:
- Liner notes by Paul Mann
- https://www.discogs.com/release/6151112-Various-Celebrating-Jon-Lord-The-Rock-Legend
Listener Mail/Comments
- Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at info@deeppurplepodcast.com or @ us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.