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Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the YouTube format. Please subscribe using one of the links below if you’d prefer a superior audio experience.
Michael Clarup bought us a coffee on Ko-Fi! Thanks Michael!
Thanks to Our Executive Level Patrons:
The “In Memorium” Tier
Gerald “Jerry” Kelly & Family
The $25 “Uncommon Man” Tier
Ovais Naqvi
Purple Maniac
The £15 “”Fifteen Squid” Tier
Alan “Ain’t Too Proud To” Begg
The £10 “Good Doctor” Tier
Dr. Mike Kattan
The Turn it up to $11 Tier
Clay Wombacher
Frank Theilgaard-Mortensen
Mikkel Steen
Will Porter, PhDPP
Michael Bagford
$10 “Some One Came” Tier
Ryan M
Jeff Breis
Victor Campos
“Better Call” Saul Evans
Peter from Illinois
The “Deep Thoughts by John Mottola” Tier
Fielding Fowler
Upcoming Rankings Show:
Deep Purple “Machine Head”
Patron rankings needed by May 5th
Become a patron if you want to be invited to the live stream and submit your rankings!
Postcards From The Edge . . . OF CONNECTICUT!
Using the Way Back Machine I got a snapshot of Blackmore’s Night’s website from mid 2000, shortly after their third album was released and just after the website launched.
The website features the page: “Postcards From The Road:
German folk rock band, playing songs inspired by music of the dark ages. The group was formed around the year 2000 by Thomas Roth (3) as a spin off from Des Geyers Schwarzer Haufen and toured for years together with Blackmore’s Night. A comment by Ritchie Blackmore: “The Geyers are one of my greatest inspirations. They are original and exciting.” The group disbanded in 2014, their farewell tour ended prematurely because of the lethal accident of dummer Jost Pogrzeba.
(probably 28 September 1571[1] – 15 February 1621) was a German composer, organist, and music theorist.[2] He was one of the most versatile composers of his age, being particularly significant in the development of musical forms based on Protestanthymns.
Merlijn: March The Heroes Home is called Gavotte by composer Francisque Caroubel. It uses the same melodie played on Hurdy Gurdys and Shawms.Link to song: Gavottes Caroubel.
Merlijn: Durch Den Wald Zum Bach Haus is based on one of Bachs Fuga’s. It tells the story of Ritchie visiting Bachs house in Eisenach and being chased by a dog! As told many times on stage as introduction to this song (also by RB himself!)
Merlijn:Now and Then Intro Based on Bach’s Ave Maria (also uses in Rainbow’s song Weiss Heim at the end and on the intro of Catch The Rainbow on On Stage
BLACKMORE’S NIGHT UNDER A VIOLET MOON Cold Harbour Recording Co PCCY 01377 : UK : June 1999Few people seemed prepared to venture out on this one, but one of our members who listens to recordings of a lot of early tudor music decided to try and elaborate on the music for us.”Following the usual appalled silence when friends find out that I have quite a collection of early Renaissance music, I quickly deploy my standard defence, i.e. I use it when I teach my ‘A’ Level class about Henry VIII. This usually satisfies them, and hides darker secret – I actually like the stuff. So it was with an interested ear that I sat down to listen to the new Blackmore’s Night offering. I thought it was a very brave decision by Blackmore to try and put across a style of music that in it’s original form is far different to modern sounds. Renaissance music tends to follow very different pathways tonally and is also quite formal. A lot of the music was originally written to facilitate structured courtly dances, incorporating rhythms and tempo changes which seem very awkward to modern ears. I guess that Blackmore had to choose between two routes, either recreate the sound as well as he could – as his been done by ensembles like Red Byrd, a group of modern musicians who aim to present original early music as it was written – or he could modernise the sound of the music. This approach has been well worn by groups like Clannad, Fairport Convention and even Jethro Tull. Unfortunately Blackmore also chose to go this way, laying himself open to the inherent dangers of both cliche and Blackadder style parody (the title song from the second Blackadder series is actually a clever parody of the lute songs of Thomas Campion, who lived from 1567 – 1620).In the end much of “Violet Moon” tips its hat toward the Galliards of the Tudor court, albeit far more up tempo, and also to Irish folk music. Some of the songs, particularly “Catherine Howard’s Fate”, “Fools Gold” and the title track itself would be so much better without any vocals. Not because of any weaknesses in Candice’s voice (which I actually like), but because most early music in that style didn’t have vocals. For myself these tracks were really going somewhere before the vocals came in. The one really convincing Renaissance song “Beyond The Sunset” is actually a Tudor keyboard piece converted to the guitar. The album is overall very frustrating to listen to for me because of the modernisation of the sound. The title track ends up sounding like Clannad during their “Robin Of Sherwood” phase, while “Castles And Dreams” is pure Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac. Other songs conjure up entirely inappropriate images. “Gone With The Wind” starts off like “The Final Countdown” by Europe, and “Wind In The Willows” sounds like an entry for the Eurovision song contest. When Blackmore looks elsewhere for inspiration, he sadly ends up in “Riverdances” rather large foot-print. “Morning Star” and “Spanish Nights” suffer most from this, even with the Beethoven steal in the latter. My favourite tracks are those which suffer least from this attempt at modernisation. “Possum Goes To Prague”, “Beyond The Sunset” and “Durch…”, as well as the very pretty “Now And Then”.I really wish Blackmore had been brave enough to take the music back to something more like its original state, right down to using Tudor vocal inflections, and made the majority of the songs instrumental, taking something like the Red Byrd approach but writing his own material. As it currently stands I’m afraid the album is largely a weak pastiche of early music and other bands working in this area, most noticably Clannad. The lyrics themselves are absolutely banal when sung in modern English, but might have been acceptable using the vocal approach of the Tudor times. For all the faults though, the road Blackmore has chosen is a brave one given that most rock fans are pretty unforgiving of other musical genres.” Roy Watson Davies
Thanks To Our Foundation Level Patrons:
£3.50 “Deep Purple NY” Tier
Lord Longford
The £3 “The Aromatic Feed” Tier
Simon Ford
Richard Breese
The 293 Pence Tier
Blackmore’s Tights
The $3.33 Half Way to Evil Tier
Stephen Sharpe
Duncan Leask
$3 “Nobody’s Perfect” Tier
Peter Gardow
Ian Desrosiers
Mark Roback
Stuart McCord
Flight of the Rat Bat Blue Light
Øyvind Fjeldbu –
Runar Simonsen –
Ruinous Inadequacies
Corey Morrissette
Ashely { Still I hear, “Burn” } Rose
Weston-super-Mare pilgrim
Joe “Dopefish” Siegler
Adam Corke
Tim Wood
Steve “Down to Earth” Koeller
Michael Clarup – NEW PATRON
The $1.71 “I Want My Own Tier” Tier
Rich “Yngwie” Shailor
The 10 DKK “Cold Hard Danish Kroner” Tier
Carsten Lau
$1 Made Up Name Tier
The “Under Some Violet Ooze” Leaky Mausoleum
Stephen Sommerville The Concerto 1999 Fanatic
Hank the Tank
Private Eyes
Ashen Lionel
Zwopper The Electric Alchemist
Anders Engstrom
I see DC
Durple Purple
David Hattam
Graham Bonnet’s Disco Pants and Haircuts
Eddie Lion
Deep Dive Podcast Network:
Check out our website to find other like-minded shows taking deep dives into individual songs, bands, and albums.
Special Thanks to Merlijn Rotte for information from his vast knowledge on the subject!
Listener Mail/Comments
Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at or @ us on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.
Very entertaining and informative — a true Deep Dive into all things Deep Purple!
Thanks to Our Executive Level Patrons:
The “In Memorium” Tier
Gerald “Jerry” Kelly & Family
The $25 “Uncommon Man” Tier
Ovais Naqvi
The £15 “”Fifteen Squid” Tier
Alan “Ain’t Too Proud To” Begg
The £10 “Good Doctor” Tier
Dr. Mike Kattan
The Turn it up to $11 Tier
Clay Wombacher
Frank Theilgaard-Mortensen
Mikkel Steen
Will Porter, PhDPP
Michael Bagford
$10 “Some One Came” Tier
Ryan M
Jeff Breis
Victor Campos
“Better Call” Saul Evans
Peter from Illinois
The “Deep Thoughts by John Mottola” Tier
Fielding Fowler
Upcoming Rankings Show:
Deep Purple “Machine Head”
Patron rankings needed by May 5th
Become a patron if you want to be invited to the live stream and submit your rankings!
Lead up to the Album:
Ozzy’s management decided to record this album in February of 1982.
Sabbath’s publishing deal had just expired so all the songwriters would not benefit by re-recording these songs with new publishing royalties.
Sabbath was planning on releasing a live album (“Live Evil”) at the same time.
Geezer: “We couldn’t afford not to release Live Evil and Ozzy was forced into making Speak of the Devil.”
Randy Rhoads and Tommy Aldridge refused to do the album feeling that they’d established themselves as something separate from Black Sabbath.
While Sarzo wasn’t as upset about it he stood with the other two and told Sharon that they didn’t want to do it.
Sharon was not upset but it was reported that Ozzy was very upset and descended into what Rudy Sarzo called one of “the worst drinking binges I had ever witnessed.
It was during this binge that Ozzy was famously arrested for peeing on the Alamo.
In a drunken stupor he fired everyone in the band but later had no memory that he had done it.
It’s reported that Ozzy had confronted Randy on the tour bus telling him that he would replace him with Frank Zappa or Gary Moore for the live album.
Rhoads agreed to do this album and one more studio album to fulfill his contractual obligation to Jet Records but would leave the band after the next tour.
Originally it was planned to be “the greatest rock spectacle ever” according to Sharon Osbourne. The show was planned to be video taped as well as recorded.
Everything changed a few weeks later when Randy died in a plane crash.
Bernie Torme took over guitar duties in the band for a short time until both parties decided to part ways.
Vito Bratta was the next guitarist considered as he was playing in a New York Black Sabbath cover band at the time. However, he and Sharon did not get along.
Brad Gillis met with Rudy Sarzo to learn the songs as he was completely unfamiliar with Black Sabbath. During his audition he nailed Rhoads’ parts and got the job.
On April 12, Gillis played his first show ith the band. It’s said that Torme stayed on during these first few shows to help through the transition in case he was needed. Gillis had traveled with them and learned the songs by watching Torme.
The band got together in September of 1982 to rehearse the songs but Ozzy was not around for the rehearsals. Sharon had told them that he would not be around much.
The record company told Sharon that they planned to include previous live recordings of Rhoads doing “Iron Man,” “Children of the Grave”, and “Paranoid.” Sharon told the band not to bother with those songs.
During this time morale was very poor and Sarzo was secretly recording the Metal Health album with Quiet Riot then finally made the decision to leave Ozzy’s band after this recording.
They only really saw Ozzy when he showed up for sound check on September 26, 1982.
Ozzy didn’t seem to remember the lyrics and during the shows he put a notebook with a lamp on a chair so he could read them during the concerts.
The audience at the was under 1,000 people at The Ritz. Sarzo described the crowd as “rowdy.”
The Ritz had a smaller stage than they were used to and they weren’t able to use the same monitor setup leading to Gillis and Sarzo spending most of the shows directly in front of Aldridge so they could hear.
They used a mobile studio parked outside to record the show.
They were all dressed casually. Ozzy, showed up bald having shaved his head a few days before the gig.
The shows ended with “Iron Man” “Children of the Grave” and “Paranoid” and the band played a little looser, not keeping it as tight as they’d been informed that these performances wouldn’t be used.
An incredible, diverse resume of news, rock and sports photography including many, many band and album shoots.
The gatefold features a picture of John Edward Allen, Ozzy’s crew member who provided entertainment and comic relief on stage, as well as getting Ozzy drinks. Allen was also an actor appearing in Buck Rodgers and the film Bladerunner among many other stage performances. John also played one of the seven dwarves at the White House for President Jimmy Carter.
Ozzy introduced John as “Ronnie” during shows, an obvious swipe at Sabbath’s new frontman, Ronnie James Dio.
UK release was called “Talk of the Devil” as that is the more common phrase there.
There was also a Laserdisc release in Japan called “Speak of the Devil” which was a video of this band performing during the Diary of a Madman tour in June of 1982.
Thanks to Our Core Level Patrons:
The $6.99 “New Nice Price” Tier
Spike the Rock Cat
Sugar T
The Episode $6.66 Tier
Steve Coldwell
Arthur Smith
Anton Glaving
Charles Meadows
The $6.65 “Almost Evil” Tier
Kenny Wymore
Richie Sucksmith
The 70 NOK Tier
Kai Rune “Yes, I’m Norwegian” Olsen –
$5.99 The “Nice Price” Tier
Robert Smith
Karl Hellberg
The 60 Kroner “Scandinavian Nights” Tier
Knut Morten Johansen –
$5 “Money Lender” Tier
John Convery
German Heindl
Adrian Hernandez
Jesper Almén
Oleksiy The Perfect Stranger Slyepukhov
Kev Roberts
Percival Frequency
Scott Zerns
Cynthia Dube
Raff Kaff
Coyote Bongwater
John Miceli
Sarah Sanders
Evan Robison
Richard Fusey
Purple Swede
The Venue:
Recorded live at The Ritz, New York on September 26/27 1982.
This song was not included on the original CD release but was added back to the 1995 re-release.
Never Say Die
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Confirmed by Max Norman to be one of potentially three songs performed the afternoon prior to one of the shows in an empty venue. Crowd noise would have been added in post production.
Iron Man / Children of the Grave
Japanese Release Featured Two Bonus Tracks recorded at Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre on June 12, 1982 with the same lineup. Released as “Speak of the Devil” in Japan on Laserdisc.
Speak of the Devil Laserdisc release from later in the 1982 tour.
Reception and Charts:
Sarzo and Gillis departed shortly after these recordings with Sarzo returning to Quiet Riot and Gillis returning to Night Ranger.
Ozzy was very upset with Sarzo and even assaulted him backstage at the US Festival in 1983.
Producer Max Norman said in an interview that due to budget constraints the band had performed an entire extra show with no audience before the show on either the 26th or the 27th. This was recorded as a safety.
Norman said that the final album contains three songs from that performance but does not remember which three.
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath was believed to have been from this performance as it isn’t listed on the set list of either show at The Ritz.
The live versions of the three songs with Rhoads eventually found their release on the 1987 album Tribute.
Osbourne was critical of the album. It filled a contractual obligation but he was not a big fan of the project.
Deep Dive Podcast Network:
Check out our website to find other like-minded shows taking deep dives into individual songs, bands, and albums.
Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at or @ us on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.
Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the YouTube format. Please subscribe using one of the links below if you’d prefer a superior audio experience.
Merlijn writes: Ritchie did write some lyrics for this tune. And the melody is based on an tune from the Renaissance by Franco Flemish composer Ivo di Vento.
Merlijn writes: Avalon: The Hunt is Up – English Hunting Song Main melody is copied. “The Hunt is Up” originally titled “The Huntes upp” is a 16th century ballad attributed to William Gray. The hunt is up was commonly associated to any song that would be sung in the morning. Shakespeare employs it as such in Romeo and Juliet (act iii, sc. 5).
Merlijn writes: The Wind in The Willows is originally called: Bread And Fishes, by Graham Bell. Ritchie heard it being perfomed by The Strawbs and liked it:Bread And Fishes
Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at or @ us on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.
Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the YouTube format. Please subscribe using one of the links below if you’d prefer a superior audio experience.
Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at or @ us on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.
Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the YouTube format. Please subscribe using one of the links below if you’d prefer a superior audio experience.
Become a patron if you want to be invited to the live stream and submit your rankings!
Postcards From The Edge . . . OF CONNECTICUT!
Our last card from Florida!
Album Song Ranking:
DPP and Patron rankings, song-by-song.
Nate Experiments with Photoshop’s Generative AI
Nate offering you his hand.Nate’s power fist.Nate’s uncomfortably beefy arm.
As mentioned on the show Nate has manually been cropping and filling in shoulders for almost 6 years now. Could he harness the power of the latest Photoshop’s generative AI to make this task easier? Here’s what happened when he attempted to generate the remaining arm for his own picture.
In lieu of completing John’s arm int he picture it gave us a new “John” all together! Check out Nate’s Angels, the new co-hosts of the podcast! Let us know which co-host you want to see replace John!
This is what AI thinks John would look like with a crown. Something about John looks different. Must be the crown!
And, of course, a teaser for an upcoming episode. Behold “medieval king” John.
Thanks to Our Core Level Patrons:
The $6.99 “New Nice Price” Tier
Spike the Rock Cat
Sugar T
The Episode $6.66 Tier
Steve Coldwell
Arthur Smith
Anton Glaving
Charles Meadows
The $6.65 “Almost Evil” Tier
Kenny Wymore
Richie Sucksmith
The 70 NOK Tier
Kai Rune “Yes, I’m Norwegian” Olsen –
$5.99 The “Nice Price” Tier
Robert Smith
Karl Hellberg
The 60 Kroner “Scandinavian Nights” Tier
Knut Morten Johansen –
$5 “Money Lender” Tier
John Convery
German Heindl
Adrian Hernandez
Jesper Almén
Oleksiy The Perfect Stranger Slyepukhov
Kev Roberts
Percival Frequency
Scott Zerns
Cynthia Dube
Raff Kaff
Coyote Bongwater
John Miceli
Sarah Sanders
Evan Robison
Richard Fusey
Purple Swede
Ritchie, on his bike, late to cello lessons! Photo origin unknown, scan courtesy of Arthur Smith!
Thanks To Our Foundation Level Patrons:
£3.50 “Deep Purple NY” Tier
Lord Longford
The £3 “The Aromatic Feed” Tier
Simon Ford
Richard Breese
The 293 Pence Tier
Blackmore’s Tights
The $3.33 Half Way to Evil Tier
Stephen Sharpe
Duncan Leask
$3 “Nobody’s Perfect” Tier
Peter Gardow
Ian Desrosiers
Mark Roback
Stuart McCord
Flight of the Rat Bat Blue Light
Øyvind Fjeldbu –
Runar Simonsen –
Ruinous Inadequacies
Corey Morrissette
Ashely { Still I hear, “Burn” } Rose
Weston-super-Mare pilgrim
Joe “Dopefish” Siegler
Adam Corke
Tim Wood
Steve “Down to Earth” Koeller
The $1.71 “I Want My Own Tier” Tier
Rich “Yngwie” Shailor
The 10 DKK “Cold Hard Danish Kroner” Tier
Carsten Lau
$1 Made Up Name Tier
The “Strange Kind of Tombstone” Leaky Mausoleum
Stephen Sommerville The Concerto 1999 Fanatic
Hank the Tank
Private Eyes
Ashen Lionel
Zwopper The Electric Alchemist
Anders Engstrom
I see DC
Durple Purple
David Hattam
Graham Bonnet’s Disco Pants and Haircuts
Eddie Lion
Deep Dive Podcast Network:
Check out our website to find other like-minded shows taking deep dives into individual songs, bands, and albums.
Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at or @ us on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.
Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the YouTube format. Please subscribe using one of the links below if you’d prefer a superior audio experience.
Sykes made his recording debut on the Streetfighter track “She’s No Angel”, which appeared on the New wave of British heavy metal compilation New Electric Warriors in 1980.[6]
After leaving Tygers of Pan Tang, Sykes auditioned for Ozzy Osbourne‘s band and was briefly a member of John Sloman‘s Badlands.[5][4] Despite a few shows and Sloman procuring a recording contract with EMI, the group ultimately broke-up.[9]
I’m am saddened about the news of my band mate John Sykes . I’m shocked about his passing . We played such great music and had such great times together . Check out Blue Murder 1, and The Cry of Love albums. John’s playing, writing and singing were amazing …I loved him like a brother. We lived close to each other when we were in Blue Murder we hung out everyday. He was an amazing guitarist and together with Tony Franklin on bass we had a great rock trio.
He will be missed. RIP brother John . Check out Blue Murder on MTV in 1989 John played great on this.
Absolutely shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of the great John Sykes. As many of you might know, John & I spent a lot of time working together back in 2011 when we were planning on launching a new band. We even demoed 12 of his songs and went on That Metal Show together to announce the project. Sadly it never went anywhere and the demos never saw the light of day, but working with him and spending as much time together as we did provided me with so many great memories. He was an incredible talent and it was an honor to work with him. Such a sad loss #RIPJohnSykes
Damn..John Sykes passed away.. a fantastic, very talented and influential player as we all know.. Like many rock lovers I was always hoping he would suddenly blast back on the music scene again with a killer record and start touring again. Musically our paths have crossed a few times but unfortunately we never met in person. Fuck cancer..R.I.P.
I am shocked to hear that John Sykes has passed away. Too young to die and so much talent.
My condolences to his family and his loved ones.
Rest in Peace, John.
Michael Schenker
From Rich “Yong-Way” Shailor
Got meet him a few times, VERY nice guy. Always had a coffee cup but I’m not sure it was coffee. We were standing next to each other watching Joe Satriani from the side of the stage. As he passed me a beer Roger got me from a cooler I looked over at them and said “I wonder what it’s like to be the other guitar player in Joe Satriani’s band “ he laughed and said I never thought about that before. I said “that’s because you are never the OTHER guitar player in the band” he understood the compliment and gave me a cheers.
David Coverdale
Just heard the shocking news of John’s passing…My sincere condolences to his family, friends & fans…
Deep Dive Podcast Network:
Check out our website to find other like-minded shows taking deep dives into individual songs, bands, and albums.
Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at or @ us on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.
Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the YouTube format. Please subscribe using one of the links below if you’d prefer a superior audio experience.
Sicktone joining us at the $1 “Silly Made Up Name” Tier
Hello, I’m Lauri (also known as Sicktone on the internets). How did I get here? Well, in early 90’s I browsed a…book – yearly, very common Finnish book series. There was something written about “heavy metal” and Deep Purple was mentioned. Next weekend during a casual visit at a local library, noticed a Cassette (yes they were still common) with that band name on it. Got the cassette, entered a parking lot and my dad’s car. He was blasting out Beethoven. I asked if I could have a little listen to this DP cassette. “Well why not although it’s not my thing…”. Oh, organ intro turned into massive blast of power. Now you know the album — In Rock it was. We listened the first half of the Cassette on the way home and got a “Hmm, that was energetic and went into lots of places and I have to mention Beethoven…”, dad said. Been a fan since then! I might have been abt 12-13 years old. Of course, Rainbow and all the “family” bands/projects were found quite soon from the library. And much later, on the internet. Now I’m here writing an overly long introduction, listening to Paice Ashton Lord. Because Paicey just shines on those tracks (too). As a drummer of some kind, Paice always grabs my attention. So in short, hello and thanks for making the podcast!
Kai Rune “Yes, I’m Norwegian” Olsen joins at the 70 NOK Tier
Thanks to Our Executive Level Patrons:
The “In Memorium” Tier
Gerald “Jerry” Kelly & Family
The $25 “Uncommon Man” Tier
Ovais Naqvi
The £15 “”Fifteen Squid” Tier
Alan “Ain’t Too Proud To” Begg
The £10 “Good Doctor” Tier
Dr. Mike Kattan
The Turn it up to $11 Tier
Clay Wombacher
Frank Theilgaard-Mortensen
Mikkel Steen
Will Porter, PhDPP
Michael Bagford
$10 “Some One Came” Tier
Ryan M
Jeff Breis
Victor Campos
“Better Call” Saul Evans
Peter from Illinois
The “Deep Thoughts By John Mottola” Tier
Fielding Fowler
Updates, Live Show Reviews & News:
Upcoming Rankings Show:
Deep Purple “Machine Head”
Patron rankings needed by May 5th
Become a patron if you want to be invited to the live stream and submit your rankings!
The project he worked on directly before this was the cover for Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke, also worked with Gary Wright and B.B. King
Inner sleeve acknowledgements:
SPECIAL THANKS to Ian Copeland and everyone at Paragon, Art Robbins & Johnnie, Ken Newman, John Davis, Paula Jeffries, Tom Flynn and Peach Arts, Butch Wright, Les Sobel, Jeff Kievit, Greg Hanley, Wet Willie, Victor’s House of Music, Mascara Music, the memory of Joe Polizzi, Buzz Bland, Paul Brennan, Tom Durbvrow, Alan Grubman, Sherry Thomas, Jan DeGeer, The “P” Town Boys, Rick & Ted & The Boys from Anaheim, Shawn and Dave, Joe Pollard & Syndrums, C & C Case Co. and Ed, Gus and Neil.
Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at or @ us on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.
Disclaimer: The video used on YouTube is a byproduct of producing our audio podcast. We post it merely as a convenience to those who prefer the YouTube format. Please subscribe using one of the links below if you’d prefer a superior audio experience.
Purple Swede upgrades to the $5 “Money Lender” Tier!
Blackmore Tights upgrades to the £2.93 Tier!
Hi Nat,
I’ve upgraded my Patreon to £2.93 as I would like my own tier if possible. It’s in honour of my late Dog Pudge who sadly passed away last week. It was on one of his many walks a few years ago that I was thinking to myself “hey I wonder if there’s a Deep Purple Podcast” turns out there was. I then spend most of his walks for the next year listening to you guys. Finally becoming a Patreon when I’d listened to all the available episodes (number 130 something I think). Anyway the Pudge walks have now stopped but if you could create a 293 pence tier for Pudge that would be brilliant. Ps the 293 is the number of episodes we spent walking together 🙂 have a great Xmas and a happy new year!
A Christmas gift from Percival Frequency!
New Patron: Adam Corke joining us at the $3 “Nobody’s Perfect” Tier
New Patron: Tim Wood joining us at the $3 “Nobody’s Perfect” Tier
Thanks to Our Executive Level Patrons:
The “In Memorium” Tier
Gerald “Jerry” Kelly & Family
The $25 “Uncommon Man” Tier
Ovais Naqvi
The £15 “”Fifteen Squid” Tier
Alan “Ain’t Too Proud To” Begg
The £10 “Good Doctor” Tier
Dr. Mike Kattan
The Turn it up to $11 Tier
Clay Wombacher
Frank Theilgaard-Mortensen
Mikkel Steen
Will Porter, PhDPP
Michael Bagford
$10 “Some One Came” Tier
Ryan M
Jeff Breis
Victor Campos
“Better Call” Saul Evans
Peter from Illinois
The “Hughes-O-Ween by 2033” Tier
Fielding Fowler
Upcoming Rankings Show:
Deep Purple “Fireball” – LAST CALL!
Patron rankings needed by January 15th
Become a patron if you want to be invited to the live stream and submit your rankings!
Landmark 300th Episode
Bustin’ Out The Spreadsheet
50th Anniversary of Some Huge Deep Purple Historical Events
Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at or @ us on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.