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How To Support Our Show:
- Support Our Show
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- Donate to $DPPOD Using Cash App
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Brendan Ashbrook – Logo Designer
New Patron/Patron Upgrades:
- Cynthia Dube
- I’m writing from beautiful West Warwick RI, haha! I grew up in Smithfield and Burrillville, still have some family in Smithfield (Dube cousins, an uncle), though I am long out of touch with them.
- I found your podcast (specifically episode #055 from 2020) after seeing the Dio documentary and I was looking for more Dio love and appreciation! That definitely came through with you guys, and when I realized you are/were from RI I got even more excited, haha!
- I’ve liked Purple, Sabbath, Rainbow, Dio, etc for as long as I can remember, but I never had much initiative in purchasing and collecting records, and I never dug too deeply into band histories, members and lineup changes, etc. I don’t really know why! Then I went through a kind of personal “Dark Ages” in the late 80s right thru to the 2000s where I wasn’t really listening to much music at all … and I missed out on so much from that time period. Seeing the Dio doc really lit the fire under my butt to seek out what I never did in the past, so now I have a lot to catch up on! I’m really grateful to have stumbled across your podcast, and I’m looking forward to learning more about Purple and all the other great stuff around them. I’m psyched!
- I’ve been recommending you guys to some friends and I gave a little shout-out on Reddit as well, so I’m trying to get the word out. (Hah, I’m even super late to the podcast thing, but that is just typical of me I guess!)
- Anyway, thank you for doing what you do! I’ll be around.
- In Rock,
- Cyn
Thanks to Our Executive Level Patrons:
- The $25 “Uncommon Man” Tier
- Ovais Naqvi
- Purple Maniac
- The £10 Tier
- Dr. Jill Breis
- The Turn it up to $11 Tier
- Clay Wombacher
- Frank Theilgaard-Mortensen
- Alan “Ain’t Too Proud To” Begg
- Mikkel Steen
- $10 “Some One Came” Tier
- Ryan M
- Jeff Breis
- Victor Campos
- “Better Call” Saul Evans
Postcards From The Edge . . . OF CONNECTICUT!
- Or Florida!
In Memoriam:
- Remembering Gerald “Jerry” Kelly
- https://mooreandsnear.com/tribute/details/9315/Gerald-Kelly-Jr/condolences.html#content-start
- Gerald was our 24th patron of the show and contributed a lot behind the scenes, sending us scans of old Kerrang! Magazine and his support.
- He will be missed.

Deep Purple Live in Pennsylvania and New Jersey!
- We’ll be at both shows! Let us know if you want to meet up!
- February 10, 2023
- Xcite Centre at Parx Casino
- Bensalem, Pennsylvania
- February 11, 2023
- State Theater
- New Brunswick, New Jersey
Deep Dive Podcast Network:
- Deep Dive Podcast Network
- Sabbath Bloody Podcast
- Skynyrd Reconsydyrd
- The Deep Purple Podcast
- T-Bone’s Prime Cuts On The Other Side
- In The Lap Of The Pods
- The Magician’s Podcast
- Hawk Binge
- Maiden A-Z
- Diary of the Madmen
- Universally Speaking: The Red Hot Chili Peppers Podcast
- The Podcast Will Rock
- Back Tracks: Aerosmith Revisited
- So Far, So Pod . . . So What!
- The Tom Petty Project
- Back Tracks: Theme Music
- …And Vol. 4 All
- Judas Priestcast
- Rock Roulette Podcast
Full show on YouTube:

Covered in detail in episode #195.
First half of show covered on: Episode 195 – Deep Purple – Live with Joe Satriani (Saarbrücken, 1994) – Part 1
- Highway Star
- Ramshackle Man
- Maybe I’m A Leo
- Fireball
- Perfect Strangers
- Pictures Of Home
- Keyboard Solo
- Knocking At Your Back Door
- Anyone’s Daughter

Second half of show covered on this episode (Episode 198):
- Anya
- The Battle Rages On
- When A Blind Man Cries
- Lazy
- Satch Boogie
- Space Truckin’
- Woman From Tokyo
- Paint It Black
Thanks to Our Core Level Patrons:
- The $7.77 KeepItWarmRat Tier
- Michael Vader
- Richard Fusey
- The $6.99 “New Nice Price” Tier
- Fielding Fowler
- The Episode $6.66 Tier
- Steve Coldwell
- Arthur Smith
- Anton Glaving
- The $6.65 “Almost Evil” Tier
- Kenny Wymore
- $5.99 The “Nice Price” Tier
- Robert Smith
- Peter from Illinois
- Michael Bagford
- Karl Hellberg
- The 60 SEK Tier
- Zwopper The Electric Alchemist
- $5 “Mean Mr. Mole” Tier
- John Convery
- German Heindl
- Adrian Hernandez
- Jesper Almén
- Oleksiy The Perfect Stranger Slyepukhov
- James North
- Mark Hodgetts
- Will Porter
- Kev Roberts
- Percival Frequency
- Scott Zerns
- Cynthia Dube – NEW PATRON ALERT!!
- Encore:
- Hush
- Speed King
- Smoke On The Water
Thanks To Our Foundation Level Patrons:
- The £3 “The Aromatic Feed” Tier
- Simon Ford
- The $3.33 Half Way to Evil Tier
- Raff Kaff
- Spike the Rock Cat
- Spike’s Mom
- $3 “Nobody’s Perfect” Tier
- Peter Gardow
- Ian Desrosiers
- Mark Roback
- Duncan Leask
- Stuart McCord
- Flight of the Rat Bat Blue Light
- Øyvind Fjeldbu –
- Runar Simonsen –
- JJ Stannard
- Ruinous Inadequacies
- Mike Kattan
- The $1.71 “I Want My Own Tier” Tier
- Rich “Yngwie” Shailor
- The “10 kr“” Tier
- Carsten Lau
- $1 Made Up Name Tier
- The “Liquid Oozes On” Leaky Mausoleum
- Stephen Sommerville The Concerto 1999 Fanatic
- Hank the Tank
- Private Eyes
- Ashen Lionel
- Blackmore’s Tights
- John Miceli
Listener Mail/Comments
- Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at info@deeppurplepodcast.com or @ us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.