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- The $15 Highball Shooter Tier
- Steve Seaborg (NameOnAnything.com, Alltheworldsastage.net)
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- Ryan M
- Alan Begg – NEW PATRON ALERT!!!
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- No One Came – 🙁
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- Clay Wombacher
- Greg Sealby
- Frank Theilgaard-Mortensen
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- $3 Nobody’s Perfect Tier
- Peter Gardow
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Thanks to our Brothers at the Deep Dive Podcast Network:
- Ry @ Sabbath Bloody Podcast
- The Simple Man @ Skynyrd Reconsydyrd
- Terry “T-Bone” Mathley @ T-Bone’s Prime Cuts
Thanks to the Patron Saint and Archivist of The Deep Purple Podcast:
- Jörg Planer – an essential Twitter follow
Show Updates:
- Comments from social media.
- Hi Nathan and John,
- I have just been listening to your episode on Made in Japan by Dream Theatre. I was so impressed by it that I had to find a copy . My Wife Dawn scoured the net bless her, and found me a new copy on EBay in Canada. I can’t believe how good it is. When you consider it is my favourite live of all time. The fact that they stay faithful to the album is a testament to the fact they are fans, and what great musicians they are. I thought I knew a bit about Purple until I heard what Jorg Planer comes up with. The guy is an encyclopaedia on Purple. Love the podcasts, I’m learning something new every episode cheers.
- Chris
- Pittsburgh Rocks – Who is “Jimmy Page” at the Butterfly Ball Concert?
- It’s none other than Mark Nauseef!
Q&A Round Table:
- Oiedude2013 on twitter asks:
- My hypothetical question, what if Ritchie Blackmore didn’t leave after the ‘Stormbringer’ album & tour?
- What would the future had been?
- How long could Mk 3 have gone?
- Would Rainbow have ever existed?
- Laura Shenton asks:
- Out of any lineup, what’s the dream team when you’re allowed to mix and match?
- What’s your favourite other band to come from the DP family tree?
- ConradCSteeves on twitter:
- What happened to the SONIC ZOOM CD series which released live DP recordings? I was hoping for more rarities to come to light.
- Robert Pontzer on Facebook:
- Deep Purple is considered one of the Unholy Trinity of British Heavy Metal along with Zeppelin and Sabbath. I’m 38 and live in the U.S., but it doesn’t seem that Purple’s popularity has carried over to younger generations (under 50) the way it has with Zep and Sabbath.
- I think the multi-decade delay in Hall of Fame recognition is related to this.
- Why has Purple not retained relevance with younger (U.S.) audiences? Is their sound more dated (I’ve heard people point to the Hammond organ sound, for instance)?
- Furthermore, there seems to be a much stronger present-day fanbase for Purple internationally than in the U.S.
- Mary deeppxrple on twitter:
- Do you know how Ritchie got scar on his mouth? Always wanted to know but never found answers

- Brayden_11.30 on Instagram:
- Could you discuss the what if scenario if Ritchie left the band instead of roger glover?
- Norman Weichselbaum on Facebook:
- Here’s a tricky on: Do you have any idea how Deep Purple is set up as a company? Who are the rightholders in the trademark DP? Do former guys like Ritchie still anticipate in the ongoing DP performances?
- Jim Massa on Twitter asks:
- What if Purple got Paul Rodgers to be vocalist after Gillan?
- How would have Purple’s Musical direction changed?
- Does Ritchie stay in Purple and thus no Rainbow?
- Artsmithdrums on Twitter:
- What if they’d taken some time off after the Machine Head Tour cycle and hadn’t been forced into yet another album for at least a year?

- Simon_berglund on Instagram:
- Tracklist for a hypothetical 2nd album by Mark IV? Taking songs from their solo projects.
- Stephen Somerville on YouTube:
- Here’s my question to yous which is a very interesting topic to know as well. This involved Ritchie and David Coverdale during the 80s. Rainbow we’re doing a show and the promoter had invited David Coverdale to come backstage in which David was really uncomfortable with it thinking that there could be trouble involved. Now your thinking that David and Ritchie never had any sort of beer, well here’s the meaning and truth behind it. During between 1980-1983 Whitesnake and Rainbow were topping the charts non stop with there outstanding rock music and were rivalring a wee bit in terms of numbers of fans there were from each party in which David loved it because he knew it would get at Ritchies nerves. So when David was backstage at this rainbow show, he could sense something weird happening by smelling something he knew before in the past during the Purple years and then out of nowhere, he got jumped on the back by a certain guitarist he knew from Purple saying to GET OUT NOW OR ELSE ILL HAVE YOU THROWN OUT. 100% certain that’s Ritchie in which they argued for a long period of time in front of people who were also backstage as Wife’s, Groopies, Managers and Fans who had VIP passes in which the argument was stopped by a rough security guard and told them to go there separate ways. So that’s a story topic I wanted to share with yous and hopefully you can use this on the Q & A video.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4tOSUU5aLk

- Ian Desrosiers on Twitter:
- Ok @DeepPurplePod what’s the story with Jon’s Hammond? It looks like it has been sawed off or something? And there seems to be woody things to reinforced it? Was this tale ever told in the podcast and I totally forgot about it?
- De Hagepreker
- @DeRederijker666
- Reply:

Bravo Delta on Twitter:If tommy bolin would have.lived on, what kind of music would the band have produced?Kev Roberts on Twitter:Why is HOBL so underrated? I love Black and White and Strangeways in particular. Album never seems to get any affection.Ryan M on Twitter:Favorite bands that Deep Purple have shared the stage with.Steve Hunt on Twitter:What if the “Rising” lineup of Rainbow had stayed together? Could they have been as big as Deep Purple?What if Gillan had accepted Blackmore’s offer to join Rainbow in 79? You would have had Ritchie, Ian, and Roger in Rainbow and David, Jon, and Ian in Whitesnake! How awesome would that have been?!Steve Hunt on Facebook:What if Blackmore, Turner, and Glover kept Rainbow going in the 80s? |
Purple_blackers on Instagram:
- Was This Time Around material from Sarabande that Glenn wasn’t supposed to hear?
Dino (@deeprainbowsnak) on Twitter says:
- You guys have to talk about the Babyface project.
Peter Gardow via email:
- Nate – Hope you are having a restful Memorial Day weekend. I cringe at the thought that I might be too late for the “question and answer” DPP. Well, here they are, in no particular order:
- 1. Strawberries, Zarye, Caldor, Newberry Comics or other place for the best place to get new stuff (in the ’80’s or ’90’s)?
- 2. Your father’s feet, or your father’s back?
- 3. Misquamicut Beach or Watch Hill Beach or “other”?
- 4. Best show @ Greatwoods (or Tweeter Center, or whatever it is now)?
- 5. Did you ever see a show at “Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel” in Providence?
- 6. Chock Full o’Nuts or Sanka?
- 7. If President Trump (or any other knucklehead) nominated Joe Lynn Turner for the post of “United States Rock’N’Roll Protector”, would you object?
- 8. If Carlos Santana replaced Richie Blackmore in DP in 1994 (or so), would they have renamed the band “Deep Santana” or “Purple Santana”? Would it have worked?
- 9. Is there a link, like to the Benny Goodman Band to DP (“Clear Air Turbulence”), to Frank Zappa (one of my favorites) at all? I have been thinking about it, oh, just figured it out, yeah, Steve Via via Coverdale (never listened to that or any other Coverdale prior to DPP)- never mind.
- If I am too late, save it for later. I probably forgot a few questions that have been rattling around my head for the past 4 days. Otherwise – be safe, ave yourself a coffee milk, some Rhode Island clam chowder and a cup of coffee.
- Pete Gardow
Listener Mail/Comments
- Comments about the show? Things you’d like us to cover? We’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at info@deeppurplepodcast.com or @ us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.